Ward Personnel supporting Intreo with Future skills training event to find more workers for the Construction Sector

Posted 6 days ago

Ward Personnel supporting Intreo with Future skills training event to find more workers for the Construction SectorIntreo are doing some great work on the ground by providing training programs to attract and train new entrants into the construction sector.

We are delighted to support these efforts and Jamie Hanley from our Dublin Labour and Trades team attended Loughlinstown Training Centre in North Dublin on Wednesday of this week to meet the participants of the Construction Site Ready course organised by Intreo’s Future Building department.

Jamie spoke to the class about topics like CV and interview preparation, what do employers look for in selecting workers, and he also gave some insight on getting a start in the construction industry. He spoke with each individual one to one about what role and type of work they might be interested in and advised them on their next steps in relation to the current work opportunities in the sector.

Thanks to Linda Cullen from Intreo for organising a great event and for extending the invite to Ward Personnel to support this training program.


For jobs in construction contact the team at our Dublin office or our Cork office.